JW Pet Comfy Perch For Birds Flexible Multi-color Rope, Large - 21" Length
20% OFF
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在我們收到並確認退貨包裹後,您將獲得全額退款或100%商店信用。退款將自動退還到您的原始付款方式。 請注意,運費和任何關稅或費用不予退還。一旦包裹發貨,額外的運費不予退還。您需負責支付這些費用,即使訂單退回給我們,我們也無法免除或退還這些費用。一旦我們收到並確認您的退貨商品,我們將向您發送電子郵件,通知您我們已收到您的退貨商品。我們還將通知您退款的批准或拒絕。如果您在退款過程中有任何問題,請聯繫我們。 service@roymall.com 或 Whatsapp: +8619359849471Customizable Bird Perch: This rope bird perch bends into a variety of shapes to stimulate birds with different perching surfaces. Rounded support for bird's feet promotes joint health & comfort.

Large Perch For Birds: Provides a comfortable grip for larger birds like Macaws. Includes screw-off attachments to attach the bird perch to different sides of the bird cage. Measures 21" L.

Pet Toys: Get ready for bonding & fun with your dogs & cats! Check out a variety of our pet toy products such as flyers, perches & mirrors for birds, prey wand toys for cats, plush toys, light-up interactive toys & more.
Bird, Cat And Dog Toys: Get Ready For Bonding & Fun With Your Dogs & Cats! Check Out A Variety Of Our Pet Toy Products Such As Flyers, Perches & Mirrors For Birds, Prey Wand Toys For Cats, Plush Toys, Light-Up Interactive Toys & More Large Dog Toys
Pet Toys: Durable dog toys, intricate toys for dogs, cats & birds to keep your pet entertained. Checkout JW products for mirror bird toys, perches for birds, play gym & rope toys, dog treat toys, interactive toys, & more
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